Sunday, October 23, 2011

Corndog Saturday

Last year, I made an effort at frying up some corn dogs and it ended in dismal failure, with corn batter everywhere (though not on the hot dogs).  Determined to succeed in this mission, I never gave up hope.

What you need, it turns out, is a good recipe and a girlfriend who once worked in the competitive world of corn dog cuisine. 
Last night, we got out the fryer and went to work.  I used Pioneer Woman's recipe.
But the technique was all T and Internet, this woman knows her way around a fryer.  She lined up the items for dipping into corn dog batter: hot dogs, little smokies, and cheese sticks.
And fry them she did.
Once you've got the fryer out, you might as well get some waffle fries going.
Waffle fries taste better with cheese sauce.
Suffice it to say that we met our saturated fat dietary requirements last night.  It's a food group in itself, there at the top of the government's food pyramid.

1 comment:

  1. So, she's gonna make all that when we come back to visit, right??? :-)
