Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Real Life Conversations with JT: California Dreamin' edition

The backstory:  When we visit our California relations, JT and I avail ourselves of their fancy ice and water dispensing refrigerators.  We didn't have one of our own in New Jersey, so at home we made ice cubes by hand.  JT was always impressed by the automatic ice lifestyle and he longed for a share of the action, but he was convinced that such luxuries were only available in California, as was revealed when he came home from a visit to a friend's house last summer.

JT:  At X's house, their fridge makes cold water and ice, like in California.

Mama:  Oh yeah?  That's nice. 

JT:  How do you think they can do that in New Jersey?  Do you think they once lived in California?

Mama:  They must have a fridge from California.

JT:  They must. I wish that we could get a fridge from California.

Mama:  Maybe someday, honey.

As it turns out, some Californians bought us a fridge for my birthday and Christmas (thanks, Mom and Dad!) and now we're making ice cubes and cold water like those fancy left coasters.  Come on over for iced drinks at our house, Internet.

1 comment:

  1. We have ice/water capabilities with our fridge, but we are too lazy to hook it up. And by "we" I mean Colby. So, he insists that we buy bags of ice to fill the ice dispenser.
