Monday, June 04, 2012

Consolation Prize

Today, the 9th graders at my school packed up for a camp out.   The kids were told a mountain was our destination and technically speaking, it is called a mountain.  But let's just say that these East Coast "mountains" fail to impress a girl who grew up in the shadow of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.  They are camping on a hill.  A lovely hill, mind you, but a hill nonetheless.
Alas, I digress……the camping lasts for three days and though I can't stay the night (see: single mama), I did go up for the day to hang out with my homeroom.  The rainy ride north took longer than expected and my group was ready for lunch when the grumbling school bus disgorged them at 11:30.  Two hours later, after making a steep climb up a rocky hill, they were gnawing their fists off.  At a hungry 2:30, I declared it every-woman-for-herself-hour up on the hill and I cleared out in order to fulfill my mama responsibilities.   I got back to school by 4, fetched the boy, and headed home for a well-earned supper.

The lesson of the day is that I prefer to be in control of my schedule.  Also, I make one hell of a smothered burrito.

1 comment:

  1. Do you deliver those burritos to Lincoln?? Pretty please?
