Friday, September 14, 2012

Food Friday: Baked Egg

Breakfast on school mornings is always a challenge.  My son doesn't like cereal (!) and doesn't want to eat the same thing every morning.  Though I've been known to purchase a box of Pop Tarts to preserve the peace, I am not a fan of over-processed foods.  My search for a nutritious and yummy breakfast that is easy to pull together led me to develop this easy recipe for a baked egg.  It requires a bit of advance planning, but it's worth it.  

You'll need a buttered baking ramekin for each egg you intend to bake.  The rest of the ingredients are kitchen staples at my house.

- eggs (as many as you wish to bake)
- 1 tablespoon of grated cheese for each egg to be baked (I like Colby cheddar but Monterey Jack or mozzarella is just as tasty)
- 1 tablespoon half & half or heavy cream for each egg you intend to bake
- for each egg, you'll need a sprinkle each of salt, pepper, & cayenne pepper

I grate the cheese and butter the ramekins the night before and then I leave them on a shelf in the fridge.  In the morning, I usually come downstairs for a cup of coffee before my shower and when I do that, I heat the oven to 375 degrees and remove the buttered ramekins from the fridge.  By the time I've showered, the ramekins are at room temperature.

When the oven is heated, crack an egg in each ramekin.  Add the grated cheese, salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper and then pour the dollop of cream on top.  Place each filled ramekin on the center shelf in the oven and bake for 15 minutes.  Let sit for a minute or two when they come out of the oven….that's enough time to make a piece of toast or pour a glass of juice.  The egg will be mostly set with just enough melted cheese and creamy sauce to make it delicious.  If you like a harder egg, bake it for a few more minutes.  

This breakfast is nice and warm on a cold morning and provides enough protein to get the boy to lunch without a growling belly.  Perfect!

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