Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dreaming of Spring

The last week around here has been especially cold, with overnight lows in the single digits and frigid days that don't rise above freezing.  Today brought the edge of a temporary warm front and when we walked outside to get in the car this morning, it was 38 degrees.  That's not exactly warm, of course, but both JT and I could sniff the mildness in the air.

It felt like Spring.

I like all the seasons and would be hard-pressed to pick a favorite.  But if I did, it might be spring.  Less frigid air, longer days, and sunlight make everything nicer.  And tonight, with the warmth lingering for another day, it seemed like a good time to thumb through my garden catalogs once again.  They arrive in the mail just after Christmas and help to make dark winter days a little bit brighter.  These four are among my favorites. 
I especially like the old-fashioned black and white illustrations in the R.H. Shumway catalog.
I imagine that if I planted seeds from Thompson & Morgan's English Seeds I'd have flowers just like Miss Read enjoys in Fairacre.
I plant radishes every spring and these, from John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds catalog are looking pretty sweet.
I long for peppers as abundant as these from Territorial Seed Company.
Soon enough the seeds I have ordered will arrive and I'll be eager to start the garden.  Until then, well, a girl can dream.

1 comment:

  1. We have been obsessing over our backyard plans: expanding the garden, adding the chicken coop, figuring out what to plant in the garden...
