Tuesday, March 19, 2013

JT's Festival of Food

In the last year or so, JT's metabolism has shifted to teenage boy status and there are times when he eats seriously impressive amounts of food. When he isn't eating, he's thinking about food.  It's not uncommon to have him sit down for breakfast and ask what will be served for supper.  For his birthday, T and I promised JT an entire day of eating whatever he pleased.   It was T's idea and the notion was a huge hit.  Last Sunday was the designated day and it began with donuts for breakfast.
Lunch featured a festival of fried food: homemade corn dogs, fries, and onion rings.
For his supper, the boy went traditional: homemade fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, cinnamon apples, and corn muffins.
It was served with a side of Lipitor, so you needn't worry about the heart attacks we surely earned ourselves that day.

1 comment:

  1. Best birthday present ever!! When Colby was unemployed and we didn't have money for extras, I told him the first thing I wanted was to go out to eat at a little cafe/bar down the road and get nothing but fried stuff: cheese, onion rings, mushrooms, cauliflower. There is something uniquely comforting about fried stuff with cheese. Happy Birthday to the boy, um, man?!?
