Thursday, August 01, 2013

August 1st: Front Yard Flowerbed

In the process of organizing my front yard flowers to have a fresh bloom for each month of summer, I forgot the rudbeckia, which blooms in late July and early August.  As if the black-eyed-susans knew they had been neglected, they have put on quite a show these last few weeks.
I trust my apology will be accepted.
For the very first time in my gardening history, I seem to be headed toward some success with dahlia bulbs.  I staked these two with some short bamboo sticks and they should have orange flowers later this month.  There are two more dahlia plants in the backyard.  That's happy.
Usually, summer's heat ensures that by August I need to mow less often, more like every 10 days.  But this year's abundant rains have kept me on a weekly mowing schedule.  The plants have soaked up the hot sun and rains and they remain lush and green, a welcome sight to greet me every day when I take my stroll around the yard each morning.
Soon enough, summer vacation will come to an end and it will be time to suit up for school (and the challenge of teaching the 6th grade).  In the meantime, here's to hoping that the lush garden growth can hold out.

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