Sunday, February 01, 2015

February 1: Peach Tree

There was a point in January when a windy storm had brought down some tree branches and my back yard was soggy with ice and rain that couldn’t be absorbed by the frozen ground.  As I looked out the back window on that rather dreary day, Winter seemed like it stretched endlessly in front of us.  Today, the tree is surrounded by snow dropped by the storm from earlier this week.  The powder has stuck around thanks to the frigid cold which followed.  More snow is expected tonight and it will surely cover up the bunny tracks seen here in the snow.

I must confess that February’s status as the shortest month is always welcome in my world because the March that follows seems filled with promise, thanks to both the time change and the official arrival of Spring.  Of course there are still 28 days to be managed on my way to March.  Happily, I find February rather comforting despite the cold.  By the start of the month, the sunset is at 5:15, with light lingering after that in a way that fills me with hope.  In mid-February, we celebrate JT’s birthday and from there the month flies by, each day with just a bit more sunlight than the next.  

In my mind, I know that March won’t move as quickly toward warmth and blooms as I might like.  But in February my heart begins to think daily about the green shoots that seem like they are just around the corner.

This month, my peach tree remains patiently still, soaking in the moisture and sunlight it needs to bring forth its blooms.  It knows that there is more sunlight and warmth in its future.  That’s happy!

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