Saturday, June 03, 2017

Fairy Garden 2017

Last year, I acquired enough Fairy Garden cottages to be considered a bonafide real estate developer.  This year, I moved the neighborhood to a whole new location, along the fence next to my climbing clematis and peach tree.  Things are looking quite splendid.

The fairies live pretty well, complete with chicken coop, an outdoor space with a bbq, and a garden shed.

This is the grown-up equivalent of a doll house and I find it all rather pleasing.  Setting up the space last week got me really excited about the arrival of summer.  I’m looking forward to some quality time with my fairies in the month ahead.

That’s happy!

1 comment:

  1. Love your fairy houses! I spend many happy hours pottering around in my fairy garden. My little granddaughter just turned 3 and is now very keen to "help" in the fairy garden, which can be quite chaotic, but it's all part of the fun - and the fairies don't seem to mind ;-)
