Wednesday, November 21, 2018

On Gratitude

It’s quiet this morning, as I drink my coffee and plan out the day.’s pre-Thanksgiving cooking  JT is home and asleep; when I slipped downstairs, both cats were in bed with him.  Like me, they are glad to have him home.  With his return, we’ve all slipped back into our old routines.  Later this morning, JT will wake up and come downstairs to step out onto the porch in his pajamas to assess the running conditions.  He’ll go out for run in the familiar streets and parks of our town.  Then he’ll shower and bring the laundry downstairs.  He’ll grab a snack before he goes off to see A, like he’s done countless times in the last few years.

Moments like these used to form the core of my days.  Now, they seem both familiar and special, as we make the transition to college-kid-home-for-break mode.  So much is the same and yet so much is different.

I feel a surge of gratitude for the all the seemingly small blessings of this life: a healthy and happy child, a partner to love, a warm and cozy house to call home, the blessings of Thanksgiving supper we’ll enjoy together. tomorrow  There are so many more blessings, large and small, for which I am grateful on this day.  So I count each one, thankful beyond measure for the grace I have received.

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