Sunday, February 17, 2019

Birthday Thoughts

19 years ago today, JT was born.  He was born just after midnight after a tiring 3 days and so I slept a bit after his birth.  I remember waking up later that morning and holding and rocking him for most of the day, utterly charmed by this 7 pound wonder who had made me a mama.

That day, I sang to him and talked to him about all the lovely things we would share in the world: stories and books, trips to the park, laughter, and celebrations big and small.  I remember marveling with wonder at his dark, shining eyes and wondering about who he would become.

I thought of that on Saturday as T and I watched JT in his final 3k race of his first indoor track season for Springfield College.  His goal was to beat his best time (a 9:38 run earlier in the season).  He took off strong and as the laps flew by, T and I traded stories about the many races we’ve watched JT run.  We laughed about the fact that these days we are a far cry from the races we watched where JT rolled across the finish line talking non-stop with the other end-of-the-race runners.  We remembered the runs on vacation between his Sophomore and Junior year when something sparked and he became an impassioned runner.  We’ve always cheered as he crosses the finish line and yesterday was no different, as we scanned the results to see his final time and realized he’d bested his day’s goal, with a final time of 9:23.  He was thrilled and so were we!

I am his mother and I think that he looks to me for guidance and unbounded love, which of course he has.  It’s been a wonder and a marvel to watch JT grow up. I am proud of the young man he’s become and I look forward to cheering him on for many years to come.  On this day, I can’t help but remember that his arrival all those years ago forever changed who I am and made me so very grateful to the universe that brought this boy to me.

Happy Birthday, JT.  Fly high and run far, sweet boy.

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