Saturday, February 13, 2021

February Front Porch

The colossal winter storm that ushered in February and then dumped more snow less than a week later slowed my porch set up for the month.  But once the snow was shoveled off the porch, I got to work.  There is a seasonal flag.

The table has a Valentine covering, the pot of hardy ivy, and a pinecone home for the fairies to stay warm while we all wait for Spring.
  I had hoped to exchange the “hope” plant stake for one that reads “love” but the soil in the pot was too frozen for that swap out so we’ll have to stick with hope.  Given my longing for Spring, hope might be in order.

There is a cheery wreath for the front door.

February is the last full month month of Winter and in my mind March 1’s meteorological Spring is as good as the real thing.  The snow is piled over 2 feet high, however, so though I am prepared to call the end of the season, I suspect plenty of snow will linger into March.  Mother Nature has no less than three Water storms forecast for the next 7 days, so she clearly hasn’t received my memo.

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