Monday, September 25, 2023

Meanwhile, Here at the Appliance Graveyard

Last Fall, when the seals on the fridge began to fail and then the handle broke off, a new refrigerator became a priority.  T struggled with our stove and talked me into a new stove as well.  Those arrived in September and both were nice - if pricey - additions to my world. *In 2023, one-by- one, nearly all of the remaining appliances at Sassafras House went on strike.  In late July, the hot water heater failed.  As it was nearly 15 years old, this was an understandable development.  Within 48 hours, a new one was installed.  In late August, the microwave began to make alarming sounds that indicated that it too had reached its term limit.  A new one was purchased and installed (the latter step was rather a customer service nightmare, but now that it’s done, my frustration from the experience is fading). *I was no sooner enjoying the new microwave, when the washer failed to drain water consistently and began to sound like a freight train was rolling through the basement.  Uh-oh. I called for repair, which sought to replace the transmission.  Alas, the whole internal mechanism had frozen.  The new transmission could not be installed.  I heard taps play in the background as the repairman drove away and I headed out in search of a new washer.  The new washer was installed last Saturday and it washes like a dream.  The dryer is - I hope - prepared to live a few more years.  At least I hope so, because my appliance budget is tapped out (and then some!).

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