Saturday, July 15, 2006

Vacation Journal --- Day 1

Saturday, July 8

We left Niantic, CT to head out to Cape Cod around 11:30 am and we made great time. The boys watched a movie in the Mama-car for part of the journey (their last movie for a week!). We stopped along the way for a stretch the legs break and the boys jumped right into the game. That's the two of them "walking the plank" along a bike trail. We arrived at the campsite by 3:30 pm and it was perfectly beautiful.

When I originally started to plan this vacation, Lisa and I were still a couple. But the funny thing is that I knew all along that she would never come with us. She'd have an excuse, probably related to work, but I was determined to go camping with or without her. Turns out that we are without her and yet as the journey began it didn't really bother me.

When she walked out in June, I told Shelley and Terri that JT and I were still going camping. And to be honest, a big part of that was just to prove to Lisa that I could do it. But the funny thing about this vacation is that it quickly went from being a chance to prove to Lisa how strong I could be to being an opportunity to prove to me just how strong I am.

I put up my own tent on Saturday and that was just the beginning.

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