Thursday, October 19, 2006

Life Lessons, Tiger and Lucy Style

Each morning, JT awakens excited to see his kittens. He's a very responsible pet owner, checking their food and water and setting out their toys so that they won't miss us when we go to school. He folds a blanket in the morning so that they have a comfy place to rest. He speaks to them in a gentle voice, petting them with a soft hand.

When Lisa left, I worried that JT would internalize her message that it's okay to cut and run when the going gets hard. But it would seem that he heard my message instead: loving others is one part joy and one part responsibility, each important in their own way. He's learning how to care for his creatures and to take pleasure in doing so. He's making his mama proud.


  1. He not only heard your message, he's seen it in action every day of his life!

  2. i can not wait to meet the new editions!

  3. Anonymous8:51 AM

    He looks like a natural with those cuties...and he obviously has a huge heart learned from the best..
