Friday, October 20, 2006

That's Ms. Oedipus to You

The scene: JT and his buddy B coming home for a playdate after school. They are talking smack in the back of the car, talking about boys in the first grade who like girls.

JT: D likes O.

B: D and O sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.

JT: First comes love, then comes marriage....

B: And then comes a baby in a baby carriage.

Both boys laugh like this is the funniest thing ever. I am generally amused that the song is still around, let alone being sung by a boy with two moms. And then I ask if either of the boys likes someone in the class. JT's response was sure and steady:

JT: We only like our moms.

B: Yeah, we only like our moms.

Good lord, between that announcement and the velvet shirt I've got years of therapy bills ahead of me.

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