Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Six Weird Things About Me

So Amalah over at amalah.com posted a meme challenge ------ identify 6 weird things about yourself. This was barely a challenge, by the way. I could go on for days. Now weird is relative and I have no desire to post ideas that would make my mother blush, so we're sticking to things about me that I find weird. Some of you know at least some of these things, I think. And you may not think it's weird. But seriously, I'm a little weird.

1. I have an unusual indifference to physical pain. I don't really physically hurt in the way that other people do. I'm still afraid of pain, but I know that it just doesn't effect me like other people. My son seems to be the same way.

2. From the time that I was 11 years old until I was 33 years old I always had bangs in my hair. Now I don't have bangs and no one who has met me since I moved to New Jersey nearly 5 years ago has ever seen me with bangs.

3. From childhood onward, I have always loved Laura Ingalls Wilder. In fact, I was a little obsessed as a child and often hoped to travel back in time so that I could be like Laura. Each year I re-read all of the books and I have a Laura Ingalls Wilder cookbook that I read and cooked from. Often.

4. I got my first Newsweek subscription when I was 14 years old. I have been a loyal reader of the magazine ever since and I never miss a week. That's 25 years of reading Newsweek. They should give me a free year or something.

5. I like to wear matching bras and panties. I especially like it if my bra and panties match what I'm wearing. I know this is weird but I just can't help myself.

6. I've liked every place that I've ever lived but I simply love the South.
Everything about it makes me happy and I feel most at peace when I am there. It feels like home to me, in a way that no other place ever has. I wish that my son had been born in Tennessee and my fondest daydream is about moving back there.

1 comment:

  1. A delightful collection of interesting facts, but no out and out weirdness here.

    #5 would be my favorite.
