Monday, February 12, 2007

Time Out of My Head

One of the dangers of being me is that I think way too much about nearly everything. When it comes to just being and living in the moment, I am so not your girl. Need advance planning which requires the thinking through of every single freakin' possibility? Call me. I am so there for you.

The problem with being this way is well.....that I am this way. There are times when I become mentally exhausted by something that I just need to let go. But letting go is not me and instead I take one more opportunity to turn the compost heap in my mind, looking for a solution that I haven't yet imagined. It's not good.

But today I spent 6 hours in a class about the origin of human rights. It was a tasty combination of history, politics, law, and philosophy. The stuff that is right up my alley. And for the whole of the time, I was out of my head and thinking about other things; problems far greater than my own. And as I walked back to my car at the end of the day, I felt really free.

Let's hope that it lasts.


  1. I am the same way. Which is definitely not good at this point in life. I'm glad you got a break from it.

  2. It is good for those of us that tend to over think things to get a break from ourselves - glad you got one! Maybe that is why you look so rested...
