Thursday, October 23, 2008

A New Low

I make it a point to stay away from what I think of as political name-calling. So I tend to avoid reflections on people's character (and more often, lately, the lack thereof), I more readily ignore the foolish statements of elected leaders (I'm talking to you, John Murtha and Michele Bachman). Generally, I just don't think that these sorts of political moments are worthy of my time or attention. They're petty and I try to avoid them.

But I am making exception to my policy in light of a remarkable bit of information. In case you don't have time to read the link, here's the thumbnail summary: in the past 6 weeks, Sarah Palin has spent $150,000 of Republican National Committee money on new clothes, hair, and makeup for her campaign appearances.

I'm happy as can be to learn that the RNC, which is running dangerously low on cash in the last weeks of the election, had greenbacks to spare for Sarah's shopping spree.

Honestly, if I had known that new wardrobe was on the table, I'd have given a thought to being McCain's running mate myself. In fact, I could have outfitted myself and my son for less that $150,000....maybe $100,000? I could probably hit the sales and come in at $75,000 (but not a penny lower than that....I do have standards).

I assume that her new clothes from Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus have put Sarah Palin in closer touch with the regular, hard-working, loyal Americans of whom she is so fond. Though the consumer confidence numbers suggest we're all a little worried about our economic status, I'm sure that Main Street America is reassured that Sarah Palin is well-clad as she looks after our interests.

When Republicans ask why they lost this election, they might look to their own inexcusable hubris for the explanation.


  1. My favorite part of the Palin...

    Wait, I'm distracted - what's up with Blogger comments? Why am I typing in this weird little box with nowhere to log in or string of letters to verify?

    Anyway, my favorite part of Neiman Marcusgate? That this story about Obama is getting a bunch of play as a contrast -

  2. Aha - and now the odd blogger box thinks I am my wife! Not so, Blogger!

  3. Also, the best comment I've read so far about this story is, "If Palin's wardrobe was a family of four, they'd get a kick-ass tax cut under Obama's plan!"
