Monday, August 31, 2009

A Sure Sign

I cleaned my stove last night.  It's an unpleasant chore, one that I duck until the situation reaches Defcon 5.  But I visited some amazingly clean appliances over the weekend (clean because they were still in the store) and when I came home to the horror of my own stove, I was forced to take action.

I also cleaned the floors and scrubbed the bathrooms.  All this tidiness is a sure sign that I am returning to school this week.  Usually I reserve all my Ms. Clean action for Labor Day weekend, per the example of my school-teacher mother, but school is cranking up earlier this year.  And so I poured a Pine Sol cocktail and celebrated in the way my people have been partying since time began.

I know how to live.


  1. And to think, I wasted my weekend hanging out with my cousins in Vermont when I could have been home sniffing cleaning fluids. Congrats on the clean stove. Hope this means you'll have time to enjoy the labor day weekend.

  2. I like to use the Meyer's brand geranium cleaner or the lemon verbena. It makes cleaning a little more pleasant. By the way, I'm going to try the corn fritters tonight.

  3. Saw you on MightyGirl! It's nice to see your name in as many good parts of the internet as possible, even if it's just a contest. We miss you down here....

    Molly (and Jeff when I tell him)

  4. honey child you have to admit those were some mighty fine knobs on the new appliances
