Wednesday, December 16, 2009

In the Ironic Zone

I live with cats and that means that all parts of the home are to be considered cat territory.  On occasion, Tiger and Lucy allow me to join them in the bed located in my bedroom, but it is understood that I am a guest and this is their home.

On occasion, the cats can create havoc with items we'd prefer they not play with.  When this happens, we seize the item in question and try again to secure it from the paws of doom.  There is just one spot in our home where the cats cannot get at something.  That tiny safe square is at the top of the bannister on corner of the staircase.  JT and I call it the "kitty-free zone."

This week, JT got a tiny cat figure in his advent calendar.  He immediately placed it in the kitty-free zone.....because we have a deep sense of irony around here.

As it turned out, the tiny cat in the kitty-free zone seemed to bother Tiger and Lucy as well; they paced up and down the stairs convinced that an injustice had been perpetrated.


  1. Cat justice has a harsh frontier flavor to it. Though they'd prefer fish.

  2. Cat justice has a harsh frontier flavor to it. Though they'd prefer fish.
