Saturday, December 19, 2009


JT stomped downstairs this morning with an announcement: "Since we are on vacation, there is only one rule: There are no rules.  And sometimes we don't even follow that rule."

Anarchy has been declared.  Lest you call the authorities, be assured it is the anarchy of Christmas cookies for breakfast, pajamas until noon, watching Christmas holiday TV shows at all hours of the day, naps, hours of leisurely book reading, and extended dance mix card games.

December is always a crazy, busy affair and this month the twelfth month seemed determined to truly excel at this dubious distinction.  Every day this week, as I reluctantly awakened in the chilly dark, I lay in my warm, soft, flannel bed for an extra minute, counting the days until winter break and summoning the energy needed to face one more day.  It got harder each morning.

But this morning was different.  I came awake in the same fuzzy condition as every other morning this week, but I felt a glorious sense of leisure descend over me.  A major snow is forecast to fall upon us in the next few hours, a wintery reminder that the relaxation season has arrived.  We plan to run out and grab some groceries soon (a snowstorm is much more enjoyable if one is confident the hot cocoa supplies won't fall short).  But that's the only mandate of the day. 

It is a glorious freedom.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you're getting a ton of that "expected" snowfall. Enjoy!
