Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow Report

If you paid any attention to the world in the last 24 hours, you likely heard a news report or two about the impending snow doom headed for the northeastern United States.  JT was ready for action and he climbed out of bed at 7:30 am yesterday morning, gunning for some snow.  Five hours later, when flakes had yet to materialize, he had aged into a bitter 9 year old, grousing about the tax dollars he tosses to those lame forecasters  at the National Weather Service.

I assured him that the snow was coming, but he stomped up to his playroom to work through his aggravation via some sort of pirate-cowboy--Indian-Viking-Romans home invasion.

At 2 pm, the flakes began to fall.  And for the next 16 hours they continued to fall.  Last night, when we went for our traditional evening walk in the snow, there was a bitter wind and 4-5 inches of snow already on the ground. 

Totals in the news vary but this morning's snow plower's confab on the front sidewalk in my neighborhood came to an agreement that we got somewhere between 8-10 inches of snow, with drifts up to two feet in some corners of the yard.

JT is in a snowy white heaven.  This morning, fortified by french toast, bacon, and a pot of coffee, I fired up the snow blower and joined my snow blowing neighbors in clearing the neighborhood sidewalks and driveways.  JT slid down the hill in the front yard, made countless snow angels, and then made snow balls for our epic backyard snow fight.  I swept snow off the front porch and enjoyed the picture perfect effects of the snowfall.

Then we came inside, stripped down to our long johns and drank some hot tea. Within the hour, I expect that a certain young man will head back outside for round II of snow play.   I have a feeling that the radiators will be looking like this for the next few days.

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