Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Aerial Assault

I've noted in the past that my boy wasn't much of a napper.  If you wanted JT to nap, then you had to be prepared to lie down with him; this method was also employed at night time when the long nap was on a Mama's agenda.

I have vivid memories of laying down in bed with him (yes, I was a co-sleeper.....and you can zip it with your objections because it worked just fine for me) with my eyes strategically closed, playing possum. When he was old enough to crawl, he'd move in on my eyes-closed face, nose-to-nose, with his large brown eyes open-wide.  In that moment, if you opened your eyes you'd see the bright shiny eyes of a very-awake baby.  And then the sleep boat was sunk, as he gleefully hoped for just one more story. Or song. Or midnight cocktail.  To be honest, the view of that nose-to-nose eyes-open look was pretty cute, as was the joyous baby laugh that followed my open eyes.

These days, JT is willing to get into bed and go to sleep and so my playing possum days have ended.  But he still likes the occasional nose-to-nose contact.  When he lines up his nose with mine and our eyes are so close, it's a view from the past; the same view that it was when he was just a babine.  And it's sweet, reminding me of a time that seems like so long ago.

Last week, as I was reading to JT, we got to a sad part of the story and my voice faltered. Quick as a wink, he turned in my direction and lined up his nose with mine.  And as the bright shiny brown eyes closed in, and I smiled he said, "The aerial assault is a success.  I repeat: aerial assault success."

One look at those dark, shiny eyes and I was charmed, of course.  I believe that was the intention.

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