Friday, January 29, 2010

And I'm the Grown Up in the Room?

This morning I got to work and had a sudden (and frightening) concern: had I put on deodorant for the day?  I honestly can't remember if I did.  On the one hand, with temps forecast to be in the low 20s for the high, it's unlikely that I will work up a sweat and need the underarm protection.  On the other hand, my own over-developed sense of smell means that if there has been a deodorant fail in my personal grooming, I will know.  And I will be utterly creeped out by myself.

And it's not as if I don't have actual concerns to which I should attend.  It's only the third day of the new semester and I'm already behind in AP Government.  There are lessons to be organized and quizzes to be graded.  In sum, the deodorant issue (which I can't fix at this point) should really take a back seat to other priorities.

And yet.

I am consoling myself with the following thought: I don't remember putting on my underwear this morning, either.  But I've just checked and it seems that I did.   I'm going to have to hope for the best on the under-arm front.

1 comment:

  1. So it's not just me that does stuff like that?? YAY! Wait til you have to remind the boy to put on his deoderant, too. I can't imagine teaching a room full of stinky adolescents. Yikes.
