Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Real Life Conversations, part II

JT: Why do some men have hair on their face?

Mama: Well, when your body starts to become a grown-up body, things change and....

JT (impatiently interrupting): I don't want that to ever happen to me.

Mama: When it happens, it will be okay.

JT: It's not going to happen at all. I am going to invent a machine and be your little boy forever.

Mama: I'd like that very much son.


JAXTER said...

Oh, how great would that be? What a smile that brought to me on this already crazy morning.

Shelley said...

I love how they are simultaneously desirous of staying small and all eager to demonstrate how grown up they've become.

This morning, when explaining to D that I couldn't play Hot Wheels with him anymore because I had to pack for our little mini-trip to MD, he said, "But then I want to pack! I love packing! Packing is as good as playing to me!" And he was serious. Gets it from his Tama, I think. Packed all his own stuff and could NOT have been happier.