Sunday, June 30, 2013

No Longer Set

For years now, I have played the daily Set puzzle on line.  You can find it here.  Among other things, it allows me to keep track of the time it takes me to solve the daily puzzle.  I find this satisfying and I like to keep track of my best times, which I report in my monthly "About Me" updates.  All of this is really to amuse myself, so you can stop reading now if you don't need to know about my first world troubles.

A few months ago, I went over to the daily Set puzzle in the morning to find a new format and a puzzle that doesn't work.  I tried a different browser but it was a no go.  Soon after that, the puzzle page noted that they were fixing the improvements.  It hasn't been a quick fix and though I faithfully visit the website every day, most days it isn't working in any sort of timely fashion.

I've faith that the folks at Set will figure it out some day.  And I own a deck of Set cards so I can play the old-fashioned way (and I do!).   But until the problem is fixed, my best Set time will no longer be reported in the monthly About Me.  I trust you can pick up the shattered remains of your world and move on.

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