Thursday, December 20, 2018


JT comes home today and he’ll be here for a few weeks before he packs his bags to head back north in January.  I’ve looked forward to this day since we packed him off in August, which was was a hard thing for me to do.  It wasn’t that I was worried about him in college (nothing beyond the usual worries, of course).  But as the summer of 2018 passed, in the back of my mind was a looming fear that I would miss him terribly; that the adjustment to a house without him would be difficult.  I loved being a full-time mama with the busy life that entailed and I feared that I wasn’t ready to give it up.

I have missed him but it turns out that the anticipation of what his departure would mean was far more difficult than the days after he left.  The adjustment to a less busy parent life was easier than I expected.  On several occasions, T and I drove north to watch him run.  We had some weekend adventures of our own and generally enjoyed the less scheduled days.  Work was busy; books were read; I had time to rediscover some things about myself.  I liked what I found.

It will be nice to have JT home; I will enjoy our time together.  I know that when he goes back in January, I will miss him.  I also know that I will be just fine in his absence.  That’s happy!

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