Monday, December 26, 2022

Seeking the Power of the Universe

I have a vivid memory from the year I moved to Nashville, of going for a Fall walk at Radnor Lake and being among the trees.  They were vastly different than the pine forests I saw on my childhood visits to the Sierra Nevada mountains, but, like those trees, their greatness was a comfort I hadn’t realized I needed.  They brought me peace and a sense of the universe beyond me and my temporal concerns.  From then on, I have seen the woods and tall trees as my place to seek peace;  to offer gratitude to the universe; and to fill my thirsty soul.    

This past Summer, when things were at their hardest, I shared this story with JT and encouraged him to seek that power and peace for himself.  The trees helped me through those days and I hoped that they would also help him.  In November, after my partner and I went our separate ways, walks in the woods were my comfort and solace when things felt their most difficult.   

For my birthday I received a tiny silver charm with a tree.  It was part of a surprise gift box I bought myself and that I received a tree charm felt like the universe was looking out for me.  I’ve been wearing the charm of late, a talisman of the trees, as I find my way forward in my reorganized life.    

JT and I head home to New Jersey tomorrow.  With plenty of time off still on the horizon for me, I’m looking forward to a daily walk in the woods for the rest of the Winter Break holidays.  Among the trees I will soak in the power of the universe and turn my face toward the sun.  

That’s happy.

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