Tuesday, June 01, 2010

How 'bout them Apples?

The other night, JT and I headed out back to check the emerging apples on our trees.  There are more than 2 dozen apples on my young trees, enough for a pie with some lunchbox apples left over.
Word from my Dad gardening guru is that some of the apples on these branches should be trimmed.  The trees are just two years old and too heavy a crop could damage the branches.  The rule-of-thumb for a dwarf fruit tree this young is one piece of fruit every 6 inches.  So later this week, I'll remove some apples.  But that will still leave enough to harvest a pie. 

In other garden news, the primrose is suddenly quite lovely. 
JT and his 4 year old fan Miss G, had a turn in the sprinkler this weekend, a prelude of the days ahead.
 Within the week, I will be able to be in the garden every morning. I'm looking forward to weeding and mulching, pruning and clipping, and all the other ways that I care for the garden, feeding my soul as I grow beautiful things.

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