Thursday, March 26, 2015

Your Weekly Spring Bulbs: Week 2

When January rolls around, it’s Winter’s first full month and I expect cold and snow.  After all, it’s Winter and that’s how it goes.  The January days are slowly getting longer and the cold seems bearable just one month in.  February pops its head and seems rather cute with just 28 days to greet with mittens that still seem fun to wear.

February usually takes its toll but by then Spring seems close.  Our February was colder than average by 15 degrees and that took its toll this year.  I had great hopes for March, but that month has been very uncooperative.  Our March turned out to be the snowiest month this Winter.  It came in like a lion and has only a few more days to go out like a lamb.  

Happily, there are signs of continuing progress in my flowerbeds.

I wouldn't say there's been a lot of progress since last week, but at least the bulbs that have emerged are holding the line.  I'll take it!

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