Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Icy Grip

It’s the first week of March but Winter seems to understand that its time is coming to a close.  It’s not going to leave gently, however and the snowy hold continues.  With the exception of a brilliantly sunny Monday, we’ve had snow or ice (or both!) every day since March began.  Yesterday and today were icy and slushy; tonight’s forecast promises 4-8 inches of heavy wet snow of top of the snow and ice already on the ground.  The weather forecasters are warning of the coming storm, of course.  But they seem to understand how weary of winter we’ve become and so while they warn us of the approaching storm, they are promising this is it and a normal weather pattern will soon arrive.  It’s the carrot that follows the weather stick.

I know that this can’t last forever; soon enough I’ll be back in flip flops.  Until then I might as well admire the beauty in Winter.

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