Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I love to read for pleasure and throughout the year I find time to read every day.  When the school year is in full swing, sometimes my daily reading is as little as two pages read late-at-night before I fall hard asleep.  But come the Summer, there is time for reading.  A stack of books to read is one of the greatest pleasures in the world and in the Summer there is time enough for me to finish a book every 4 or 5 days.  That’s my definition of glorious.

This Summer, I’ve already read mysteries set in England and North Carolina.  I’ve read some thoughtful story that explored race in the United States.  I’ve taken a tour of imperialist Nigeria.  I’ve gone back to the comfortable world of Miss Read’s Fairacre.  I’ve been to the Cornish coast of the 1800s and I’ve joined some hard-working Depression-era crew teams on the water.  I’m headed to pre-Revolutionary New England at the moment and after that I’m thinking of spending a bit of time in the French Revolution.

I’ve nearly 8 more weeks of Summer to go and at least a dozen more books in my to-be-read stack.  Books are a comfort; familiar friends who add so much to my world.  That’s happy!

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