Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Spring is Coming

Every year, no matter how much I long for it, Spring comes on slowly.  As the morning chill starts to feel thin, there is expectancy in the air.  It’s a signal that reminds me to pay attention to the changes that have begun to emerge.  They are subtle, but still there, patiently waiting for me to notice.  Well before it brings warm breezes or blooms, the crocuses and daffodils peak through the soil, often to shake off a late round of snow, but growing nonetheless.  After cold months of stark forests and dull gardens, color begins to emerge.  These subtle changes can be found everywhere and I look for them eagerly, with my nose turned toward the sunlight as the days lengthen.  Then, something splendid emerges and I enjoy the surprise of the blooms.  Such is the case with these daffodils that are cheering up my shaded front yard.

Right next door, my peony has also begun to emerge.

There is much more to come of course, and that is the true joy of Spring, which starts slow but predictably results in a riot of abundant color and blooms.  I love the way the season builds anticipation and rewards my patience.

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