Tuesday, January 17, 2023

In the Winter Woods

I can never get enough of being outside and in all seasons, I like to go for a walk in the gardens of Colonial Park.  The gardens stretch along the D&R Canal, with open fields and a trail that offers plenty to see.  There are lots of other places I like to go for a walk, but this place is my favorite and offers enough variety that I never seem to tire of it.

My favorite seasons are Spring and Fall, because everything is changing and because the weather is often mild enough for me to be outside for hours, walking and then reading and resting on one of the many benches in the gardens and lawns.  Winter is trickier because sitting outside is less comfortable but I am cold-hearty enough for a good long walk.  

This past weekend, I took my walks in the mid-afternoon, when the sun was high. 


In the Summer, the trail is mostly shaded and offers a cool respite from the heat.  But the weekend was cold and the sun was lovely on the trail, shining through the limbs of trees now bare of leaves.  

Though it’s just mid-January and there is plenty of Winter left on the calendar, I’m already turning my imagination toward the Spring, with its fresh blooms and hopeful promise. It’s nice to look forward.

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