Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Valentine, Party of One

Last week, I had one of those spiraling days of doubt that occur every once in a while.  It was Friday and I was physically and emotionally spent.  The pain and disability of my hip caught up with me like a fury spinning wildly.  Days like that are hard when you are a without a partner and I’ve had far too many of them lately.  The fact that the Valentine’s Day sucker-punch was just around the corner didn’t help. My sister’s support, some rest, and a good book got me over the hump. 

Today is Valentine’s Day and though I suspect I will forever be sad that I never found a partner willing (or able?) to love me through the hard parts of a relationship, I’m not dwelling on that.  I have Valentine treats for some friends and big plans to score some flowers for myself once I have a new hip and can walk into the shop and select a bouquet. As of today, I am 7 days from surgery. Tonight, I’ll open the Valentine treat I bought myself, raise a toast to me and getting through the hell of the last 6 months, and I'll remind myself that I am tough as nails when the need arises.  That will make for a sweet -  if untraditional - Valentine's Day and I'll take it.

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