Thursday, April 27, 2006

"I am going to make some more."

Thanks to Shelley and Tracy, I've gotten into to Artist Trading Cards. I told my friend Circe, who teaches art at my school and she told her students (many of whom are also my students) and now I am awash in trading offers. I like the fact that History class each day starts with a discussion of Artist Trading Cards. It's tasty pocket-art. And I mean that literally as I have one in my pocket right now. It's a smile at the ready.

JT was skeptical, of course, though he is a most prolific artist himself. Perhaps he felt that the size was limiting? Mostly, he wasn't willing to trade with me for my girly cards. But Circe made him some terrific army guy cards and once he heard about those, he could not say no. We traded this morning and he walked off to kindergarten reviewing the list of classmates that he would be recruiting for this project and announcing, "I am going to make some more." This makes his mama's heart sing.

The only downside of the cards is that they have proven a distraction from my day job. I can hear myself now, "No class, I haven't graded your exams, but I have made these lovely cards that I will happily trade."

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