Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Fiddling While Rome Burns

When JT was a baby, I learned the importance of getting sleep as soon as he was resting so that I had a fighting chance to retain my sanity.  But sometimes, in the quiet of a baby asleep I would choose to do something other than sleep ----- usually to read a book.  In those moments I would characterize that behavior as "fiddling while Rome burns."  But the allure of a good book was sometimes too great resist.  And so I fiddled.

Today, with essays to grade and letters of recommendation to complete, I took a brief walk outside and then I threw caution to the wind.  So I took a lovely book outside and read, soaking in the warmth and the amazing sunlight of the lovely fall day.  The work could wait just one more day, I decided.  I would fiddle while Rome burned.

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