Monday, November 28, 2011

Falling Behind

At Thanksgiving supper, we all took a turn saying what we were thankful for.  My boy said that he was thankful for having food and shelter.  Luckily, he's never been in danger of not having those things.  The same cannot be said for children everywhere.

Last spring, I posted a link to a 60 Minutes story about homeless families in Florida.  Yesterday, 60 Minutes did a follow-up story on the persistence of homeless children in central Florida.  JT and I watched the story together.  At one point, he turned to me and said, "I don't want to know about this because it makes my heart hurt."  We talked about how we can help and why it's important for all of us to care about this problem.  And then we finished watching the story.  It's not an easy story to watch, though it's well-worth your time.

Help for these children and their families can be directed here.

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