Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Planner

I especially enjoy organizing the details that go into getting ready for the holidays.  So I got up early this morning to bake a pumpkin pie and get things in order for our coming celebration.  The cookies are baked and the Christmas ham is awaiting my attention.  I've a few more Christmas packages to wrap, though many are already safely deposited under the tree.

Later tonight, we'll set out paper bag luminaries, a tradition in our town.  Then we'll take a walk in the cold to admire holiday lights and decorations.

JT has unfolded the Santa story for most of the month, asking for details of the secrets that went into the mystery.  He's been delighted to learn the truth.  But I'm betting that this evening we'll still watch the NORAD Santa-tracker and set out a generous snack (and whiskey!) for the man in red.  It's a happy day for a planner like me.  I intend to enjoy every bit of it.

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