Tuesday, May 29, 2018


When I moved into Sassafras House, there were large and established rhododendrons on either side of the porch.  Last year, the rhododendron on the west side began to look a bit peaked.  By March, the verdict was in: the rhododendron had died.  I mourned for a bit but as Spring began its tentative arrival, it seemed clear that I must take action.  On the last weekend in April, T and I cut out the dead plant and replaced it with a new rhododendron.

We also staked up the rhododendron on the other side of the stairs, to give it space and make it easier to walk up to the house.  Since then, things have looked quite splendid on both sides of the steps.  the older rhododendron is having its usual splendid Spring.  

The new rhododendron is getting after some pretty impressive growth of its own.  It may never catch up, but it’s making quite an effort, urged on by my impressive peony.

My front steps are welcoming.  That’s happy!

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