Friday, February 08, 2019

Working It Out

For years now, since before JT was born, I’ve had a commitment to working out.  I lift weights, I walk, and and I run on an elliptical machine.  I do other things from time to time but the elliptical has been my go-to activity for years.  I’ve made time for working out because of the payoff I experience: I sleep better, I like my body more, I have more energy and strength to do all the other activities that make my life happy.

Since I took the administrative and teaching job I now have, one I started on the eve of JT’s entry into some very busy high school years, it’s sometimes been hard to find the time to work out.  This year, with JT in college and less immediate demands on my time, I’ve gotten back into a consistent work out routine.  Even when I am tempted to curl up with a cat on my lap and a good book, on workout days I come home, change clothes, and turn right around to leave for the gym.

While I run, I work out the leavings and half-finished thoughts in my mind.  I find myself able to solve problems that have stymied me; write sentences or ideas that will pay off down the line; and generally feel better.  Some workouts are easier than others; some days it’s more of a struggle than I would like.  But the payoff is always the same and I’m grateful for that every single time.

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