Sunday, October 06, 2019

October Front Porch

It’s possible to see my front porch Halloween plan as excessive in its enthusiasm.  I don’t see it that way…..Halloween is awfully hard to resist and knowing that the front porch will have more visitors than usual this month makes me especially enthusiastic.  Pumpkin and gourd season does that to me.

There is a Halloween flag and some hanging mums.

All of the porch is on Halloween.

There are plenty of pumpkins and mums, of course.

Days are still warm enough to sit out here with a book and I find time to do that whenever I can.  Then I hear crunchy leaves being stirred and it is like Fall is just plain showing off.

That the end of the month will bring costumed children in search of candy to my front door is simply icing on the Halloween cake.  That’s spooky!

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