Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Trying Again

The blog and I have been on an extended dance mix break in the past few months and I can’t really explain why this is the case.  I have a few ideas, of course, because if there is one thing I have perfected in the pandemic, it is over-thinking everything.

My best guess is that a hand-written journal took the space of the digital journal during the pandemic.  In March 2020, I began a daily Covid journal that was a hand-written affair and I think that some of my writing energy went there.  For months of this trial of a time, thinking about the pandemic and how to handle it at school (not to mention teach hybrid, teach remote, or, frankly, teach at all) consumed a lot of my time and energy.  In my free time, I turned to books as a distraction from the near-constant worrying.  In late June of 2021, when it seemed that my steadily vaccinating part of the nation was starting to re-emerge (pre-Delta variant in the U.S., of course), I converted the handwritten pandemic journal to a weekly update.  That has freed up time for me to write for the blog.  Why it took me another six weeks to start up postings is rather a mystery, but here we are.

If the pandemic has taught me anything valuable, it’s to go easy on myself and so for this re-start, I am not planning to back fill with postings that were begun or written while I was not posting regularly.  I will just begin and hope to continue.  Come to think of it, that is the keep-on-keeping-on tactic that has gotten me this far in the pandemic.  As strategies go, it’s not a bad one.

Here we go.

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