Sunday, December 10, 2023

Style Journal: The Bullpen

For as long as I can remember, I’ve used part of my Sunday to set me up for success in the week ahead.  On Sunday, I change my sheets, plan for the suppers I’ll make in the week ahead, and organize my calendar for the week.  Each of these tasks is helpful but the best of my Sunday traditions is setting up the bullpen.  Each Sunday, I plan the clothes I will wear in the coming week.  I organize, steam or iron as necessary, and then hang them up on my closet door, ready for the early mornings that the week will bring.  Sweaters are hung up or folded and set at the ready on my dresser.  On Sundays, I tuck into bed grateful that the bullpen will steer me right come morning. 

As the week progresses, and the bullpen is less full, I know that the weekend is getting closer, which is also a pleasing side effect of my bullpen tradition.  This habit has served me well over the years, and I especially like this element of my organized life.

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