Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summertime Garden: 2013

This year's garden was planted in mid-May, a little later than I would have liked, but in plenty of time to ensure some abundant crops.  Things are coming along nicely and the freshly mulched patch is a daily pleasure for me to behold.
I had a few early cherry tomatoes a few weeks back and I expect that within a week or two week, we'll be in the summer BLT business.
There is basil, thyme, and oregano for our supper plates and cucumbers, peas, and spaghetti squash will be joining us soon enough.

Zinnia bouquets are also in my immediate future.
Each morning, I take a cup of coffee outside to check out the garden.  These daily walks bring joy to my days, a reminder of the many simple pleasures and blessings in my life.

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