Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Ice, Ice Baby

We are home from school today, enjoying our 5th snow day of the year, this one courtesy of an ice and snow storm, Winter’s duo of pain.  I am watching the frozen power lines with a combination of anxiety and dread, mentally urging the temperature to creep above freezing.
Meanwhile, in California my sister is laid up with a post-surgery ankle wrapped in an impressive array of bandages covering the staples.   She’s hoping for a scar impressive enough to warrant a story about a shark bite.
The sleepless KO and I have been e-mailing back and forth and when I expressed concern about our icy power lines, she offered up a solution: “I think you have a ladder, an extension cord and a blow drier, no? Seems to me you can just go clear your power lines yourself! Homespun version of a snow blower, but for ice. Why has no one thought of this?”

Setting aside the fact that her ankle was damaged in a fall from a desk being used as a ladder and her pain meds-induced fog, she may be on to something here.  I’ll set JT to work as soon as he gets up.

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