Thursday, July 07, 2016

My Dirty Laundry

Most of the working moms I know require their children to wash their own clothes but I’m not good at sharing the machines.  So JT collects and transports the laundry up and down the stairs but I wash and fold it.  During the school year, I wash at least one load of clothes a day.  I rarely miss a day of washing because doing so would find me hopelessly behind.  I’d hate for the authorities to search though piles of dirty laundry to find our partially-clad bodies.  So I am a fairly vigilant one-load-a-day-or-else kind of gal.

During the school year, between school, athletic practice, and various showers to ease the stench of adolescence, JT easily rolls through three sets of clothes on a daily basis.  When school and daily practices end, the laundry load eases considerably and I can afford to take a day (or two or three!) off.  I’m practically giddy with the freedom.  

So it was that Wednesday morning found me searching through my laundry baskets for a clean pair of underwear.  I’d taken off so many days from my washing responsibilities that I had fallen behind.   Ahhh, the luxury of summer!

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