Thursday, August 23, 2018

Throwback: Year One

As I transition to being the mama of a college boy man man child, I’m going to indulge myself every Thursday with a reflection on the last 18 years.  Last night, I was texting with my sister, who just dropped off her youngest child to start college.  I mentioned that I had spoken with JT that day and that it was nice to hear his voice.  She agreed and then noted that hearing his voice was nice but it wasn’t the same as having the smell of my baby.  

So true.  

I’d give a lot to smell that babine again; in this picture my lunatic baby is 5 months old.  I remember making this photo; he was freshly bathed, sweet-smelling, and happily shirtless.  These days, he smells less sweet though, thanks to his running habit, he’s nearly always freshly washed.  He’s sent me quite a few pictures of himself from the start of his cross country season at Springfield College.  It’s the same lunatic baby, just a little bit older.

He never did like to wear a shirt.

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