Thursday, September 06, 2018

Throwback: Year 3

JT and I both started school this week, me for my 17th year at RPS and him for his 1st year at Springfield College.  Below is a picture of JT’s first year at RPS, in the fall of 2003.  I remember the day like it was yesterday.  He was nervous and clutching his Ninja Turtles lunchbox, which had a ham sandwich, chips (that boy loved him some chips), fruit snacks, a granola bar, and a bottle of water.  He held tightly to my hand as we walked to class but when we entered the room, he was excited and stepped boldly forward throwing an “I love you Mama” over his shoulder as he let go of my hand.  At the end of the day, he climbed into his car seat and reported that the best part of school was playing outside.  Then he fell asleep.

The Ninja Turtle lunchbox is long gone and playing outside has been replaced by miles and miles of running outside.  He doesn’t hold my hand anymore but he still says “I Love you Mama” when he says goodbye.  To the world, he’s a young man but he’ll always be my little boy.

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